YKACL Parent & Family Night (June 19)

The next Parent & Family Night is scheduled for Wednesday, June 19, beginning at 7pm in the Abe Miller Building (4912 53rd Street). The monthly event offers an opportunity for parents and caregivers of individuals with disabilities to drop in for casual conversation with other family members. If you require on-site childcare, please RSVP to […]

YKACL Parent & Family Night (June 19) Read More »

YKACL Teen Summer Program 2019 Early Bird Registration June 1st-30th

The 2019 YKACL Teen Summer Program runs from 1:30pm-4:30pm weekdays through July and August. Early Bird Registration opens June 1st. Teens and young adults aged 13-21 are encouraged to register in June, but registration remains open throughout the program. Young people with or without a disability are welcome! This year’s schedule features indoor and outdoor

YKACL Teen Summer Program 2019 Early Bird Registration June 1st-30th Read More »

YKACL Newsletter (May 2019)

CLICK HERE FOR THE LATEST YKACL NEWSLETTER (MAY 2019) – YKACL clients to prepare/sell Filipino fare during Farmers Market – YKACL Parent & Family Night (May 22) – YKACL is hiring summer students/casual positions – Emma Moorhouse writes about ice fishing with the Literacy Outreach Centre – Gumboot Rally 2019 recap – YKACL Teen Summer Camp registration

YKACL Newsletter (May 2019) Read More »

Concordia University study seeks NWT survey respondents

A MESSAGE FROM: Kathleen O’Grady Research Associate, Simone de Beauvoir Institute Concordia University, Montreal; https://is.gd/disabilitysupportsstudy Parents and Young Adults Needed from All Canadian Provinces and Territories. We are conducting research with young people with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their parents/caregivers and YOU CAN HELP. What is this Study? Researchers from the University of Calgary and McGill

Concordia University study seeks NWT survey respondents Read More »

YKACL Youth Groups Cooking Workshop: Chicken stir fry and Filipino-style spring rolls! (May 24)

The YKACL Youth Groups invite teens and young adults to join members for a cooking workshop from 6pm-8:30pm on Friday, May 24. Meet at the Abe Miller Building at 6pm (4912 53rd Street.) The group will make chicken stir fry and Filipino-style spring rolls! YKACL’s two youth groups meet twice monthly and always encourage new

YKACL Youth Groups Cooking Workshop: Chicken stir fry and Filipino-style spring rolls! (May 24) Read More »

Employers and job-seekers, visit the YKACL Employment Services booth in Yellowknife (May 8) and Dettah (May 10)

YKACL Employment Services Manager Junn Gesmundo and Association Job Coaches will attend two upcoming job fairs. Look for the YKACL Employment Services kiosk at the CDETNO Job Fair from 5pm-7pm on Wednesday, May 8, in the Greenstone Building in downtown Yellowknife (5101 Franklin Ave). AND Look for the kiosk at the Yellowknives Dene First Nation Annual

Employers and job-seekers, visit the YKACL Employment Services booth in Yellowknife (May 8) and Dettah (May 10) Read More »

Please join us for the latest YKACL Parent & Family Night! (May 22)

The next Parent & Family Night is scheduled for Wednesday, May 22, beginning at 7pm in the Abe Miller Building (4912 53rd Street). The monthly event offers an opportunity for parents and caregivers of individuals with disabilities to drop in for casual conversation with other family members. If you require on-site childcare, please RSVP to

Please join us for the latest YKACL Parent & Family Night! (May 22) Read More »

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