Concordia University study seeks NWT survey respondents

Kathleen O’Grady
Research Associate, Simone de Beauvoir Institute
Concordia University, Montreal;

Parents and Young Adults Needed from All Canadian Provinces and Territories.
We are conducting research with young people with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their parents/caregivers and YOU CAN HELP.

What is this Study?
Researchers from the University of Calgary and McGill University want to hear from young people with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their parents/caregivers about their experiences accessing the Disability Tax Credit and other government services/benefits.

Who can Participate?
• Young adults under the age of 30 with a neurodevelopmental disability
• Mothers, fathers, legal guardians, and caregivers of children under the age of 30 with a neurodevelopmental disability
• Examples of neurodevelopmental disabilities include: Down syndrome, autism, intellectual disability, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, FASD, and others

What is Involved?
Completion of a 30 minute online survey consisting of multiple choice and short answer questions.

Why is this Study Important?
Knowledge generated by this study may help to inform modifications to the way in which benefits/services are delivered, ultimately improving access to these benefits/services for individuals and families.

How can I participate?

Follow this link to find the online survey:

Many thanks,
Kathleen O’Grady

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