Parent & Family Night: learn about the INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PLAN (April 17)

The next Parent & Family Night is scheduled for Wednesday, April 17, beginning at 7pm in the Abe Miller Building (4912 53rd Street).
The monthly event offers an opportunity for parents and caregivers of individuals with disabilities to drop in for casual conversation with other family members.
If you require on-site childcare, please RSVP to Julia at 920-2644.

APRIL 17: Let’s talk about the Individualized Education Plan!
WHEN: 7pm Wednesday, April 17

WHERE: Abe Miller Building (4912 53 Street)
Learn what you need to know about the I.E.P. to help ensure your child with learning challenges can fully benefit from the program!
Special guest: Liz Baile, Student Services, Yellowknife Catholic Schools
All parents welcome! Refreshments provided.