Job openings: apply today!

  • Family and Children’s Services Facilitator (f/t and p/t)
  • Respite Worker (casual and p/t)
  • Supported Living Worker (casual and p/t)

Apply with resume and cover letter to:


Position Title: Family and Children’s Services Facilitator

Status: Full and part time

Reports to: Family and Children’s Services Manager

Date: February 2020

Purpose of the Position

Family and Children’s Services offer a variety of services for families which include an individual with a disability and individuals. The services provide support, information, a chance to share experiences, and activities to encourage increased inclusion of individuals with disabilities in all aspects of community life.

Services are driven by needs identified by the families of those with disabilities.  Services include respite (planned relief to parents and caregivers caring for a family member with a disability), family support and information sessions; social networking opportunities for children and young adults with disabilities and training and advice for those working with children with behavioural and other challenges. There is also a role for the service to ensure that families have access to current, accurate information that will support decisions about services, activities and funding available for individuals and their families.

Key Responsibility Areas

Duties are shared and some or all of the following may be assigned to the incumbent.

1.         Supporting a network of support services for families

  • Facilitating Family Group Meetings including contacting families and arranging child care
  • Implementing information sharing opportunities for families
  • Informing families about the various services within Family and Children’s Services
  • Assisting families who are having difficulties accessing services
  • Advising families of upcoming workshops, conferences, and other information opportunities

2.         Supporting the effective delivery of a respite service for individuals with disabilities and their families.

  • Assisting with training of the Respite Workers
  • Participating in the recruitment and support of Respite Workers
  • Meeting with families to determine the kind and level of respite support being sought
  • Assisting with the determination of the needs of the family and the best possible respite worker for the family through a team approach
  • Recommending referrals to other agencies if needed to ensure that their family member with a disability is getting the best possible support

3.         Providing information, activities and planning that supports the active involvement of individuals with disabilities and their families in community life

  • Implementing activities that promote inclusion
  • Conducting research in support of service gaps or areas identified as challenges or opportunities
  • Liaising with co-workers, families, partners and stakeholders as required
  • Implementing activities which provide information as identified by families.  Such activities may include, but are not limited to, workshops, discussion groups, and information pamphlets

4.         Providing information, activities and supports for those working with individuals with disabilities

  • Working with community partners to provide information, ideas and advice about supporting individuals with disabilities
  • Working directly with other service providers to offer direct support and knowledge transfer to other staff about strategies and techniques
  • Providing workshops 

5.         Outreach and direct support to individuals affected by FASD and other disabilities

  • Provide one on one support for individuals affected by FASD and other disabilities including assistance with paperwork and supporting as requested in meetings with third parties.
  • Facilitate referrals to other community services
  • Liaise with other Yellowknife community agencies to identify and support and to make referrals
  • Support awareness activities

6.         Documenting and reporting

  • Establish and maintain files for each client
  • Maintain intake and exit records for each client
  • Maintain worklog as requested by the Manager

7.         Assist with or lead the planning and facilitation of Social Group sessions

  • Plan and lead co-facilitated group sessions
  • Plan and implement age appropriate activities for each group sessions
  • Maintain contact with participants

8.         Other responsibilities

  • Working collaboratively with staff of other services operated by Inclusion NWT and supporting an integrated approach to services.
  • Assisting with the development of proposals
  • Attending all internal and external meetings as required
  • Other duties as required

Knowledge and Skills

  • Knowledge of the issues and challenges facing individuals with disabilities and their families
  • Sensitivity to cultural differences and the ability to develop relationships with individuals of various cultural backgrounds
  • Strong interpersonal skills and facilitation skills. The ability to develop positive working relationships with individuals, families, community partners, service providers, and co-workers
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills and the knowledge of and ability to communicate effectively in plain language
  • Research skills
  • Strong organizational and time management skills and the ability to prioritize.
  • Advocacy and conflict resolution skills. The ability to advocate for individuals and families while maintaining positive relationships with other service providers, community partners, and systems.
  • Able to work independently and as part of a team

Education, Training and Experience

  • College diploma in a relevant field
  • At least 2 year’s experience in a related field
  • Experience working with individuals living with FASD or other disabilities


Position Title

            Respite Worker (casual and p/t)


            Family and Children’s Services (home service)

Purpose and Scope of Position

The Yellowknife Association for Community Living is a nonprofit organization providing services to clients with intellectual disabilities and their families, helping them to live meaningful lives in supportive communities.

Respite Care provides planned relief for families and the people with disabilities that they care for. Respite Workers carry out duties usually performed by the families in the day-to-day support of their loved ones with disabilities. This can be done in the family home or in the community. Physical requirements may vary depending on the disability of the Care Recipient and could include assistance with mobility, toileting, transferring from bed to chair, etc

This position works with the family and individual to engage in interactions and activities that are engaging and of interest to the individual and support social involvement and communication. Working with individuals with varying abilities requires attention to detail, ability to follow directions, as well as accurate listening skills.

Reporting Relationship

            Reports to Manager, Family and Children’s Services

Key Responsibilities

  1. Ensures timely and thorough communication with families regarding periods of respite.
  2. Promotes choice and decision making according to the needs and preferences of the individual and his/her family
  3. Carries out activities that move toward mutually determined goals for each individual receiving respite support
  4. Develops and participates in interesting and stimulating activities that are care recipient focused (in keeping with individual family preferences that are both in-home and community based)
  5. Prepares written reports of client goal plans, planning and other reports as required
  6. Ensures that the needs and rights of the client are of prime importance in all decisions
  7. Demonstrates flexibility and creativity in providing respite support to families
  8. Follows all of Yellowknife Association for Community Living’s policies and procedures as outlined in the training program, orientation sessions, Policy Manual, and Respite Worker Resource Manual
  9. Shares with the Family and Children Services Manager, in a timely and thorough manner, any information affecting respite service
  10. Works collaboratively with all people who support respite recipients and their families. This could include, but is not limited to; Family and Children Services Manager, coworkers, and staff of the Yellowknife Association for Community Living
  11. Completes the mandatory training program and necessary updates as required by Yellowknife Association for Community Living (First Aid and CPR, Criminal Record Check, vehicle insurance, etc)
  12. Other duties as required

Skills, Knowledge and Abilities

  • Understanding of personal boundaries and the necessary assertiveness to maintain and enforce boundaries
  • Ability to communicate with clients with intellectual  and other disabilities
  • Ability to adjust support methods to meet the needs of clients and to increase skill and participation
  • Good interpersonal skills including the ability to work cooperatively and professionally
  • Good verbal and written communication skills
  • Good crisis intervention skills
  • Basic computer skills including word processing and electronic mail
  • Ability to show initiative, flexibility, and practicality
  • Knowledge of and the ability to work with clients of varying cultural backgrounds
  • Non-judgemental attitude and commitment to full community participation for people with disabilities

Additional Requirements

  • Relevant Diploma
  • Criminal Records Check
  • Driver’s License
  • First Aid and CPR Certification
  • Crisis Intervention Training
  • Some outdoor work in adverse weather conditions
  • Ability to lift 23 kg


Position Title: Supported Living Worker (casual and p/t)

Purpose and Scope of Position:

The Yellowknife Association for Community Living (Association) is a non-profit organization providing services to individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families, assisting them in living meaningful lives in supportive communities. 

The Supported Living Worker ensures the well-being of clients in all aspects of daily living including residential services. A key component of this job is to assist clients in their physical, social, emotional and life skills development.  This increases their independence and allows them to function appropriately in the community. The work includes:

  • Providing support to adults in care.  Services provided include crisis intervention, behavior management, and life skills training, whether on a one-to-one basis or in a group environment.
  • Planning, developing, implementing and evaluating recreational, social, economic and/or educational activities for clients.

The Worker strives to create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere in order to encourage client participation in all aspects of life.

The Worker supports the independence of each client by not doing for them but doing with them.  Each client is encouraged to participate in all facets of daily life to the extent that they are able.

Reports to the Manager overall and Team Leaders when working in a specific home.

Key Duties and Responsibilities

Aids clients to allow them to function more safely and independently in their own homes/program and in the community and facilitates physical, recreational, social and educational activities.


  • Identifies social, economic, physical, recreational and educational services and activities in the community that will meet clients’ needs.
  • Participates in group planning which focuses on the needs of each client.
  • Monitors and evaluates clients’ progress. Provides feedback and support to fellow staff and clients. Provides suggestions for the modification of clients’ program plans.
  • Provides input to management with regard to the development of the program and participates in program evaluations.

Documentation and Issues

  • Provides verbal updates on clients during hand-off at end of each shift to next worker.  Documents clients’ daily activities and progress in the log book.  Ensures that all required documentation is complete and accurate.
  • Assists management team in identifying potential problems or areas of challenge for clients. 
  • Recognizes potential emergency or challenging situations, analyzes situations accurately, and develops strategies to deal with such situations i.e. dispensing medication, dealing with client’s behaviour to ensure no harm comes to the client, staff and/or the public.
  • Recognizes potential crisis situations, analyzes such situations accurately, develops strategies to deal with such situations, and informs the Team Leader and Manager when such incidents arise.
  • Completes incident reports as required by YKACL policy.

Direct Client Support (always based on the principle of promoting independence and encouraging the client to do as much as they can for themselves)

  • Assists and teaches clients daily life skills and/or behaviour management training.
  • Assists and teaches clients personal hygiene and grooming i.e. bathing, oral hygiene, and toileting. Depending on client, may assist with hygiene, grooming, dispensing and administering medication. 
  • Assists and teaches clients basic cooking, meal planning and preparation. Assists clients with the preparation of meals, snacks, etc. with safe food handling and preparation, safety, and health standards.
  • With the Team Leader and the clients where possible, delivers a breakfast, lunch and dinner menu designed to meet the needs of the clients, ensuring that meals are nutritious and satisfying. May plan and help prepare special diets or special events meals in consultation with the organization’s program staff.
  • With the clients, purchases food items necessary for the preparation of meals.  Ensures purchases are within approved budget limits and ensures that inventories of food and other related items are maintained.
  • Assists clients as needed in attending appointments, work placements and other activities.
  • Ensures that all requirements are met to provide safe transportation.
  • Provides support and feedback to clients.
  • Acts as a positive role model for clients including modelling behaviours and household activities. 
  • Encourages and facilitates the participation of individuals in a range of activities and programs, both within and outside the home. 
  • Monitors clients’ well-being and works with the team leader to address issues.   
  • Assists clients with therapeutic rehabilitation activities after receiving instruction.
  • Assists clients in cleaning rooms within their home:  washes walls; scrubs, cleans and vacuums floors; dusts furniture; cleans mirrors and windows.
  • Provides life skills training to clients.


  • Answer phone and/or in-person inquiries and routes to appropriate staff member if required.  Responds to routine queries with regard to the organization and services provided.
  • Maintains up-to-date knowledge of internal fire regulations and procedures, and other emergency procedures.  Ensures health and safety standards are maintained.
  • Performs other related duties as required.

Job Requirements

The following are required:

  • Relevant Post-secondary diploma
  • Current valid drivers licence with no major infractions on the driving record
  • Criminal record check
  • Ability to engage in activities including those involving lifting or pushing up to 30 pounds (including gardening, cleaning, yard maintenance)