Chat with an expert series at Parent/Caregiver Night! January 21: “Dealing with a picky eater”

Parent/Caregiver Night presents:

Join other parents and caregivers of loved ones with a disability for these casual and informative gatherings at the Abe Miller Building (4912 53rd Street) held on the third Tuesday of the month through spring.
Experts in various fields will present a five-to-10-minute introduction to a new topic each month, followed by the opportunity to ask questions as a group or individually.

·         7pm Tuesday, Jan. 21: “Dealing with a picky eater”
Registered Dietician Audra Donison will provide tips for feeding a picky eater or someone with sensitivities to particular foods. Her focus will be on how to encourage a healthy relationship with food.
·         7pm Tuesday, February 18: “Preparing a will”
Lawyer Thomas Wallwork will talk about what to think about before doing your will, particularly when you have a family member with a disability that may need ongoing support.

The Parent/Caregiver Night event offers an opportunity for parents and caregivers of individuals with disabilities to drop in for casual conversation with other family members.
If you require on-site respite care, please RSVP to 920-2644.