THE ANTIDOTE to cabin fever goes on sale at the Abe Miller Building during the New-to-you Bazaar, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 26.
Sale items include all your Snow Day Essentials:
– Books
– DVDs, CDs & LPs
– Knitting and craft-making supplies
– Board games and card games for all ages
– Puzzles for all ages
– Model kits
– and more!
Residents are encouraged to book their sale space today! Don’t have time to staff a table? Call us to arrange to drop off your gently-used wares and members of the YES Group (Youth Employment Services) will sell your stuff for you!
YKACL retains just 10% of all sales. There are no other fees. Participants must pick up all unsold items at the end of the sale.
So gather up items in your home or join forces with friends or a club you’re part of!
Funds raised will help support the YES Group service.
Contact us!
1. Gather items to sell and contact us! (Items should include things that can be used indoors for amusement on a snow day for all ages – such as books, DVDs, Lego, toys, craft-making supplies, puzzles etc.) Please no finished crafts, food items or clothing allowed.
2. Provide us with your name, contact information, a description of your wares, a photo we can use to promote the sale on social media, and specify whether you need a 3-foot or a 5-foot table
3. Price your items with a label or masking tape (or leave it up to us and we can price for you)
4. If you don’t have time to staff your own table, drop your items off at the Abe Miller Building (4912 53rd Street) between 8:30am and 5:30pm any weekday up to Jan. 25 and members of the YES Group (Youth Employment Services) will sell your items for you during the bazaar on Jan. 26.
5. If you choose to staff your own table, set up your table at 8am on Saturday, Jan. 26, at the Abe Miller Building.
6. PLEASE NOTE: all unsold items MUST be removed from the premises at the close of the sale at 11am on Jan. 26.
7. COST: We ask that 10% of all proceeds be donated to YKACL in support of the YES Group (Youth Employment Services)